Sunday, May 31, 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020

Mass-mediated Terrorism: The Central Role of the Media in Terrorism and Counterterrorism, by Brigitte Lebens Nacos

"Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda, and their associates wrote a new chapter in the annals of terrorism on September 11 with the most lethal acts of political violence to date. Although the magnitude of the actions was unprecedented, the role of mass media in this terrorist scheme was as central as ever. This in-depth look at "mass-mediated" terrorism and political violence shows how terrorists exploit global media networks and information highways to carry news of their violence along with "propaganda of the deed." To what extent are the media advancing or obstructing the propaganda and policy goals of terrorists and their targets? Has the Internet strengthened the hands of terrorists to organize, recruit, and spread propaganda? How have targets of terrorism used the media to manipulate public opinion and advance their own agendas? From U.S. cases like 9/11, Oklahoma City, and acts of ecoterrorists, to incidents abroad like Palestinian suicide bombings in Israel, European hostages held in the Philippines, and violent protests at major international summits, Nacos explores the use of political violence for the sake of publicity, media coverage of counterterrorism policies and its affect on political decisionmaking, and the impact of new media. She offers a blueprint both for effective public information and media relations during terrorism crises as well as for ethical news coverage of major terrorism incidents."  

Friday, May 15, 2020

Journalism, 'Fake News' and Disinformation: A Handbook for Journalism Education and Training

This new publication by UNESCO is a timely resource and highly topical subject for all those who practice or teach journalism in this Digital Age.

Luces, cámaras… ¡acción! (Sobre los debates televisados y la “neutralidad” periodística) 

Han vuelto los debates televisados, esos concursos de talento que excluyen la posibilidad de verdadera discusión y anulan al Periodismo, pero hacen las delicias de las cadenas de televisión.

Miguel Vázquez Liñán

Ver artículo completo: 

La propaganda permanente: mentiras, campañas electorales y medios de comunicación

Las campañas electorales nos llegan cargadas de mensajes que fomentan una confrontación social que acabaremos pagando los ciudadanos. Los medios de comunicación no pueden ser partícipes de este proceso: la alfabetización mediática y el cambio en la forma que tenemos de consumir la información son parte de la solución.

Miguel Vázquez Liñán 

Coronavirus y propaganda de guerra 

La elección de la propaganda de guerra para “informar” a la ciudadanía sobre la pandemia es una opción con contraindicaciones que deben ser tenidas en cuenta.

Cómo tratar con la propaganda fascista sin futuro ni pasado 

 / 30 abril, 2020